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Bart A. De Muynck: Trailblazing the Supply Chain Evolution

Life is a true blessing, we all dream to become truly remarkable. Growing up in Europe’s heart, Bart A. De Muynck was born in Antwerp with the same dream. Being a part of a small country with 4 language communities Bart understood the importance of language. This served him well later in life, boasting over 30 years of profound experience in Supply Chain and Logistics. Having traversed the realms of major international corporations such as EY, GE Capital, Penske Logistics, and PepsiCo, he brings a wealth of insights cultivated from diverse roles and continents.

Let’s unfold the journey of this trailblazing leader:

A Three-Decade Journey in Supply Chain

Bart A. De Muynck’s love affair with Supply Chain spans over three decades, marked by the transformative impact of technology on the industry. Born in Antwerp, Belgium, a logistics hub, Bart A. De Muynck grew up in a multilingual environment, foreshadowing the importance of language in his future endeavors.

An economics major, Bart A. De Muynck commenced his career in his father’s construction business but soon realized his lack of passion for the industry. Turning to EY, he gained exposure to diverse companies across various sectors. In 1997, he embarked on a journey to Australia, where his love for the country grew, leading to an exploration of potential work opportunities.

Returning to Belgium, Bart swiftly transitioned into the logistics realm at GE Capital, where he played a pivotal role in founding Penske Logistic Europe. His journey from an M&A Analyst to Finance Manager exposed him to the operational intricacies of logistics, igniting his passion for the intersection of logistics and technology.

Relocating to England with a new venture, Transportationzone, Bart A. De Muynck weathered the Dotcom bust before finding his place at Elemica, a technology company. A move to Texas followed, driven by family considerations, and marked his entry into PepsiCo, where he spent a decade navigating the complexities of a global manufacturing giant.

Bart’s experience at PepsiCo laid the groundwork for his subsequent role at Gartner, where he served for eight years as Vice President of Research and Chair of the Supply Chain Symposium. Witnessing the acceleration of technology adoption during the COVID era, Bart transitioned to project44, assuming the role of Chief Industry Officer. In this capacity, he contributed to the executive team’s vision without direct reports.

Building on his extensive expertise, Bart A. De Muynck embarked on a new chapter by establishing his advisory company, marking the latest milestone in his illustrious career.

Driving Logistics Technology Innovation

Bart A. De Muynck, through Bart De Muynck LLC, is leveraging over three decades of industry experience to propel logistics technology companies to new heights. With a focus on advising 10 log tech firms and collaborating with venture capital entities, Bart seamlessly navigates the convergence of logistics and technology. His thought leadership, disseminated via and contributions to Forbes and Freightwaves, establishes him as an influential figure shaping the discourse on supply chain excellence. Beyond entrepreneurship, Bart passionately educates the next generation of supply chain professionals, sharing insights with students at renowned institutions like NorthWestern, University of Tennessee, and the University of South Florida. As an industry expert, advisor, network connector, and educator, Bart continues to leave an indelible mark on the logistics and technology landscape, shaping companies and inspiring future leaders in the field.

Advising in Technological Diversity

Navigating the dynamic landscape of logistics technology as an advisor, Bart A. De Muynck thrives in diverse team environments, drawing from his extensive cross-industry, cross-functional, and international experiences. Absent a dedicated team of his own, he adeptly collaborates with various client teams, adapting like a chameleon to different organizational ambitions, cultures, and styles. Focused on providing value, Bart aims to contribute to the success of portfolio companies, continually expanding his role as an industry thought leader. His approach centers on three pillars: networking, education, and partnership, encapsulating his commitment to fostering meaningful connections, imparting knowledge, and forging impactful collaborations.

Driving Success through Diverse Perspectives

Bart A. De Muynck’s success is rooted in the rare perspective gained from working across diverse companies on different continents and assuming varied roles. This unique vantage point has been a key driver in his professional journey and the foundation of his thriving business. His ability to cultivate an extensive network of diverse contacts within the industry enhances the value he brings to clients. This network not only facilitates referrals and job placements but also provides invaluable insights into an industry that is both expanding and growing more complex. Recognizing the significance of both expertise and connections, Bart exemplifies the adage that sometimes “who you know” can be as crucial as “what you know.”

Charting the Course of Supply Chain

Bart A. De Muynck sees the next big transformation in the logistics industry not as a specific technological breakthrough but as the effective implementation and absorption of existing technologies like AI and advanced analytics. While these technologies offer immense potential, the primary challenge lies in ensuring that companies reach a level of maturity to seamlessly integrate these changes. Bart plays a pivotal role in driving this transformation by assisting companies in achieving their goals, investing in technology ventures that catalyze supply chain evolution, and actively contributing to industry education and thought leadership. For him, the question is not “if” change will happen, but rather “how” we choose to leverage the opportunities to make a lasting impact.

Navigating the Supply Chain Landscape

Bart A. De Muynck believes that his most significant impact lies in providing valuable advice and insights to help businesses operate more effectively. With a focus on the supply chain, he sees abundant opportunities for entrepreneurs to bring about positive change and transformation. His message to aspiring entrepreneurs is to join the journey of making supply chains better and more collaborative. He emphasizes the importance of addressing current issues and solving them in a straightforward manner, cautioning against chasing after flashy trends without contributing tangible value to supply chain companies.