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Significant Traits of Inspiring Business Leaders

Every successful leader has their own style, but there are certain traits that all inspiring leaders share. Leveraging a specific set of skills, the inspiring business leader can motivate and rally their troops to push through challenges, find innovative ways to do new things and create creative competitive advantages that allow their teams and company to withstand the test of time. 

How important is it for an business leader to be inspiring?  It’s possible that a team can gain motivation from their own personal drive and commitment to the vision of the company.  But with an inspiring leader in place, it helps increase the odds that the team will stay intact and push through difficult times.  Inspiring business leaders can make the impossible possible.

If you are on your own leadership journey and trying to determine what it takes to be a strong and inspirational leader, here are the primary traits that set inspiring business leaders apart from the rest.

Visionary Mindset

Visionary leaders possess a unique mindset that allows them to think beyond the present and envision a future filled with possibilities. They have the ability to see the bigger picture, set ambitious goals, and inspire others to work towards a shared vision. These leaders are not bound by the limitations of the current circumstances, but rather they constantly seek new opportunities and innovative solutions. A visionary mindset requires open-mindedness, creativity and a willingness to take risks. Some people are natural-born visionaries and some are better at execution.  Inspiring leaders paint an exciting picture of what could be.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Leading with Emotional Intelligence is a crucial trait of inspiring business leaders. While this didn’t used to be a required skill for business leaders when the norm was “command and follow,” times have changed.  These leaders have an evolved understanding of their own emotions and the emotions of those around them. They are empathetic, able to put themselves in others’ shoes and understand other’s perspectives. This allows them to build strong relationships, inspire trust, and effectively communicate with their team members. Leaders with emotional intelligence are also skilled at managing conflicts and handling difficult situations with grace and sensitivity. People who develop their emotional intelligence can develop into leaders who build trust with their teams and develop a culture of empathy and loyalty.

Ability to Empower and Inspire Others

Inspiring business leaders possess the remarkable ability to empower others. They create a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. These leaders understand the importance of nurturing individual strengths and providing opportunities for growth and development. They celebrate their team’s achievements, offer constructive feedback, and encourage innovation and creativity. By empowering and inspiring others, these leaders not only foster a high-performing team but also create a culture of trust and collaboration. Their ability to bring out the best in their team members is what sets them apart as truly inspiring leaders.

Strong Ethics and Integrity

Strong ethics and integrity are fundamental qualities of inspiring business leaders. These leaders prioritize doing the right thing, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. They lead by example and hold themselves to high moral standards. They are transparent, honest, and fair in their decision-making and interactions with others. Their integrity builds trust and credibility, and they are known for their ethical behavior. Inspiring leaders understand that a strong ethical foundation is essential for long-term success and a positive work culture. By embodying strong ethics and integrity, leaders inspire others to do the same, creating a culture of trust and integrity throughout the organization.

Adaptability and Agility

Adaptability and agility are crucial traits of inspiring business leaders. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, leaders must be able to quickly adapt to new situations, challenges and opportunities. They must be open to change, flexible in their thinking, and willing to embrace innovation. By being adaptable and agile, leaders can navigate through uncertainty, make informed decisions, and lead their teams effectively. This ability to adapt and adjust is what sets inspiring leaders apart, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and drive success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Resilience and Perseverance

Resilience and perseverance are critical for the inspiring leader. When times get tough, teams need to gain strength from a leader who doesn’t crumble and retreat.  In the face of challenges and setbacks, thy need a leader who will march on with renewed energy and commitment. These leaders demonstrate a relentless determination to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Resilience allows them to bounce back from failure, admit to and learn from their mistakes, while perseverance keeps them focused on the long-term vision. By embodying these traits, inspiring leaders keep their teams motivated and push through adversity. They serve as a constant source of strength and encouragement, modeling how to stay strong even when the storm winds howl.

Take a tally of how many of these traits you currently possess and gut check your thinking with trusted sources around you (but be sure to choose people who are going to be honest, not just those who will share what you want to hear).  If you find one or more of these traits are ones that you would like to devote time in developing, put a plan together that will enable you to build the muscle you want to better flex- whether that be through reading books, listening to podcasts, engaging the help of a professional group or hiring an executive coach.  Choosing to expand your skill and comfort with any one of these traits will pay off for years to come and increase your ability to inspire those around you.

About the Author:

Amy Sanchez is a certified executive coach and workshop facilitator operating in the heart of Silicon Valley.  She has worked with rising entrepreneurs as well as established Fortune 100 Leaders and all over the country.  She is CEO of Swim Against the Current, whose mission is to enable leaders and businesses to uplevel their impact so they can create happier and more successful lives and workplaces.  Amy has an MBA from USC and a Professional Coaching Certificate from the International Coaching Federation.