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Top Digital Technologies Shaping Retail in 2024

The retail sector is a dynamic landscape, evolving in response to new technological developments. According to recent data, investments in retail technology soared to an impressive $40.2 billion in 2020, reflecting the sector’s commitment to innovation. With the rise of omnichannel customers who shop 1.7 times more than single-channel clients, staying ahead of the curve in technological advancements is not just an option but a necessity for retailers. This is my thoughts on key digital technologies that will shape the development and investments for retailers in their stores during 2024. 

First get the basics in place:

– Modern POS: A cornerstone of retail operations. Beyond transaction processing, these systems are often cloud-based, integrated with inventory, staff devices and CRM systems. They support diverse payment methods, including mobile and contactless payments. They also serve as a base for clienteling solutions and transaction in other areas of the store like Endless aisle and Fitting rooms.

– Inventory management: An efficient digital inventory management system can track stock levels in real-time, preventing out-of-stock situations and helping retailers make informed decisions about reordering and restocking. RFID plays a key role in this for many retailers.

– Online, Click & collect and returns in store: In the digital age, retailers must ensure a seamless integration between online and offline channels. This includes offering services like click&collect, where customers can order products online and pick them up in-store, and easy in-store returns for online purchases. These services bridge the gap between online and physical shopping, providing customers with the convenience of online shopping and the instant gratification of a physical store. 

– Digital Signage: Display dynamic content such as advertisements, product information, or special promotions. It’s a versatile tool that can enhance in-store marketing and communication. Smarter systems that utilize data and AI to provide conditional playlists, personalizing content, and interactive screens.

– Queueing solutions: if you have more than two persons standing in line you are losing sales. Providing pre booking services and mobile ticket solutions let the customers brows the store increasing sales and prevent dropout. 

– CRM and Loyalty solutions: Is essential for understanding customer behavior and preferences. It can collect and analyze customer data, helping retailers to personalize their offerings, increase sales and improve customer service.

Established solutions ready to scale:

– Frictionless Shopping Experiences: Retailers will increasingly adopt self-service elements such as self-checkout, autonomous checkout, smart fitting rooms, and endless aisle kiosks to meet immediate shopper needs and provide a friction free and more personalized shopping experience. The full merge of Online and store, always creating and offering OMNI solutions.

– Empowering Retail Staff: Tools providing product and stock information, clienteling with customer purchase history, recommendations, and checkout capabilities will empower retail staff. Task management, notification, and collaboration tools will further enhance store operations.

– Sustainability Initiatives: Retailers will increasingly embrace sustainability initiatives such as rental, resell, and repair services. Advanced size and fit, and virtual try on solutions, including foot and body scanners, will reduce return rates online and contribute to sustainability efforts.

– Store Experience: Retailers will continue with flagship stores and pop-ups to build the brand and create awareness. Malls are not for shopping it’s for socializing, a lifestyle. Making the store more of a marketing channel then the place for transaction. Create interactive engagement zones within their stores to attract and engage customers. These could include selfie mirrors equipped with AR technology for customers to virtually try on clothes, share their looks on social media, or even get style recommendations. Other cool features could include interactive product demos, touchscreen displays, and immersive VR experiences that allow customers to engage with products in new and exciting ways. These zones will not only make shopping more fun and engaging but also encourage customers to visit the physical store.

– Reducing cost and increasing efficiency: To enhance operational efficiency, retailers will increasingly adopt real-time data dashboards. These dashboards will provide staff with instant access to key information such as inventory levels, sales data, and customer feedback. This will allow staff to make quick, informed decisions, improving store operations and customer service. We see a continuation of smaller store formats, pop-up, and solutions to keep rent and stock levels down.

– Curation: With so many options for everything, customers want personal and tailored recommendations. Social sharing and input when you shop, guides and tutorials etc. Solutions to provide help in exploration phase of the customer journeys, selecting dinners and provide grocery basket for pickup, tinder your style for fashion and online subscription models.

Moving from Test to Production:

– Sophisticated AI and Machine Learning: AI‘s role in retail is set to expand in 2024, with advanced AI algorithms driving personalized customer experiences. AI-powered virtual assistants will provide personalized recommendations and assistance, supplementing human representatives. AI-created products on-demand might also gain traction.

– Extended Reality (XR): The fusion of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality into Extended Reality will redefine customer shopping experiences. XR will enable customers to virtually try on clothes, visualize furniture in their homes, and even tour virtual stores, bridging the gap between physical and digital shopping. 

– Hyper-Personalization: The trend towards personalized shopping experiences will intensify in 2024. Advanced AI and machine learning algorithms will analyze vast amounts of data to provide highly personalized recommendations, enhancing customer engagement, loyalty, and sales.

Emerging Technologies to Keep on the Radar:

– Blockchain and Supply Chain Transparency: This will become increasingly important in ensuring supply chain transparency. Retailers will use blockchain to authenticate products and ensure ethical sourcing, addressing growing consumer concerns about product origin and sustainability.

– Autonomous last mile delivery: This is rapidly evolving, with advancements in autonomous vehicles and drone technology more and more retailers test this for delivery, for now most in hard-to-reach areas but will soon be more widespread. It will reduce cost, increase efficiency, increase customer satisfaction and easy to scale up and down depending on need.

– The Rise of the Metaverse: Following the trend in 2023, the Metaverse will continue to be an intriguing trend to watch, potentially shaping the retail landscape in 2024. Retailers can create immersive and interactive virtual shopping experiences in the Metaverse, reaching customers in entirely new ways.


As we start to plan for 2024, the retail industry is on the cusp of exciting transformations, with digital technologies playing an instrumental role in shaping its future. Retailers must not only stay abreast of these emerging trends but also strategically implement these technologies to stay competitive. By leveraging these advancements, they can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and foster business growth. 

Moreover, these technologies will not only redefine the shopping experience but also push the boundaries of what is possible in the retail sector. They will allow retailers to explore new business models, create novel customer experiences, and make their operations more sustainable and efficient. As we look forward to 2024, it’s clear that the future of retail is not just about surviving but thriving in this new digital era. This exciting journey of transformation promises to unlock unprecedented opportunities for retailers ready to embrace these next-generation technologies.