Beginning his professional journey through university studies, Curro Nicolau became interested in the study of laws, and how they influence first-hand society and individuals, and how trust in justice contributes to people living in calm and stable environments. He then moved on to law studies at the University of Valencia in Spain, transitioning to one of the most important law firms in Europe (GARRIGUES). Curro specialized in public law, especially handling energy and environmental development issues. Curro’s next assignment was to develop his Ph.D. courses at Harvard Business School in Boston. From there, it was a matter of time before his concerns, and his desire to transform and put his ideas into practice, would lead him to become independent and create his own company, GO ENERGY GROUP. Curro created a company from which he could choose projects that adapted to his way of life and business philosophy. The group’s motto is to, “Change the world with green energy.”
GO ENERGY GROUP is a business group dedicated to 360º business development and investment from A to Z in renewable energy projects around the world, specifically in the United States of America, Europe, Japan, and the Middle East. GO ENERGY GROUP is an investment and developer company in Green Energy, Hydrogen, and Ammonia business. As a company, it is expected to be prosperous, to grow, and to develop. The difference is marked by the vision of the brand. The mission of the company is undoubtedly to create value in the new era of mobility thanks to hydrogen and green ammonia, contributing to the decarbonization of the planet with clean energy and allowing our investors to carry out lucrative businesses but always with a clear ethical component, creating a more sustainable world.
GO ENERGY GROUP’S Vision and Principles
The goal of Curro in the future is to invest in the creation and development of new technologies that help take care of the planet, arising from his inherited love for the environment. He vouches for investments made in research because new materials and new methods will surely appear that will help the company improve current energy production systems.
Curro continues, “I would like to contribute my grain of sand to the improvement of the planet. From that point of view, I see GO ENERGY GROUP in that line of work, implementing and developing new “zero-polluting” energy production technologies that are not invasive in their environment.”
Curro believes that effectiveness begins with the selection of the appropriate profiles for each of the tasks to be performed. Each person, in addition to the training they may have acquired during their life, has skills and talents that differentiate them from others. Knowing what these skills are helping them fit into the organization and allocates them the tasks that motivate them and for which they are prepared, sometimes even without them knowing it themselves because they have never been given that opportunity. It is essential that all staff know and share the company’s principles and values.
He further explains, “The feeling of belonging to the organization is also important, this is not new, in my case, motivation is generated through participation in the company’s profits, which implies that the growth of the company will lead to its own growth. I want to take the opportunity to highlight how important a value that seems obsolete in companies today is for me, and that is loyalty. Loyalty in business is scarce, and yet it is a fundamental element in a work team, this being an aspect of the people that I value most because it helps us trust each other and build loyalty in work relationships.”
Pointers of the Work Culture that Drive Curro’s Company
- Commit to the organization. The entire work team has to have an involvement and commitment to the company’s objectives and values.
- Give everyone their place in the organization, so that they feel valued and supported in the decisions they make.
- Promote the personal and professional development of each of the members of the work team.
- Recognise successes and share failures.
- Promote trust and enable conciliation with each person’s personal life.
A Glimpse of a Greener Earth
The next big change in energy must involve the discovery of new forms of energy that are not polluting. The challenge is to make the processes for its generation and subsequent implementation in industry and domestic use cheaper. Big changes also have to be accompanied by new legislation that quickly adapts to new discoveries. The existing bureaucracy in many countries greatly complicates the processes of implementing new projects. The regulation and control must be aligned with the final objective, which must be to reverse the process of climate change.

The GO ENERGY GROUP team is constantly studying to stay up to date with any technological advances. Curro actively participates as a speaker in all the Congresses that take place worldwide in the field of energy, where information and knowledge are exchanged. He has also been invited in some countries to be part of the committees of experts that provide legal advice for the creation of new laws.
The approach of renewable energies to industries and homes in a real way, would allow access to cheap energy that allows every home in the world to be able to afford adequate temperature conditioning and for anyone to live in the conditions suitable.
Also, industries do not have to close due to not being able to sustain fixed energy costs, causing a negative impact on employment and the economy of a country.
Curro explains, “We are convinced that hydrogen and green ammonia will be an energy vector that will make industries less dependent on fossil fuels and allow a new mobility model on the planet. We are developing and investing in these projects around the world to put our investors at the forefront of the change towards a sustainable world. Business matters, ethics too.”
Impact on the Green Energy Space
Go Energy Group has developed projects in Saudi Arabia, taking advantage of the main resource they have, the sun, to generate clean energy with minimal impact on the environment, and looking for solutions that allow them to felicitate sustainable consumption of fresh water, which is the scarcest resource. The company has also made advances in the application of green hydrogen technologies in Spain, to supply clean energy, especially to the means of mobility and industrial companies. This progress is very important in the fight for the decarbonization of sectors such as shipping.
Curro adds, “I am also very proud of the latest alliances with important investors in the USA that will allow us to develop major renewable energy projects in Texas and California.We will also be able to export green ammonia to countries such as Japan, Australia or countries in northern Europe where we expect a great demand in the very near future. Without a doubt we are preparing now and we have more and more investors who are betting on our company and the achievements we have.”
Advice to Budding Entrepreneurs
Curro Nicolau starts, “I would tell them that there is a lot to develop and to advance. That they are not afraid to enter a fascinating world such as energy, and that it is important that they prepare themselves at all levels, both legal and technical, and that it is a sector that is at the beginning of a long career.”
The leaders of tomorrow must govern from their authentic being and with a clear objective of creating value for the community, with a mission to understand what is essential and can leave a legacy of prosperity for future generations.
“We are convinced that hydrogen and green ammonia will be an energy vector that will make industries less dependent on fossil fuels and allow a new mobility model on the planet.”
“I want to take the opportunity to highlight how important a value that seems obsolete in companies today is for me, and that is loyalty.”
“I am very proud of the latest alliances with important investors in the USA that will allow us to develop major renewable energy projects in Texas and California.”